ArcticABC members publish peer reviewed articles, but also a wide range of outreach – arcticles, interviews, videos and more. This page provides a list of all project related publications.
For project members – please use the following credit line for all publications: This work was carried out as part of the Arctic ABC project funded by the Norwegian Research Council (project number 244319)
Wegge, N., Keil, K. (2018) Between Classical and Critical Geopolitics in a Changing Arctic. Polar Geography 41 (2). doi: 10.1080/1088937X.2018.1455755
Ludvigsen, M., Berge, J., Geoffroy, M., Cohen, J.H., De La Torre, P.R., Nornes, S.M., Singh, H., Sørensen, A.J., Daase, M., Johnsen, G. (2018) Use of an autonomous surface vehicle reveals small-scale diel vertical migrations of zooplankton and susceptibility to light pollution under low solar irradiance. Science Advances, 4. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aap9887
Geoffroy, M., Cottier, F.R., Berge, J. and Inall, M.E., 2017. AUV-based acoustic observations of the distribution and patchiness of pelagic scattering layers during midnight sun. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74(9), pp.2342-2353. DOI: 10.1093/icesjms/fsw158
Berge J, Geoffroy M, Johnsen G, Cottier F, Bluhm B, Vogedes D. Ice-tethered observational platforms in the Arctic Ocean pack ice. International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) – Papers on line, 49: 494-499. doi: 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.10.484
Darnis G., Hobbs L., Geoffroy M., Grenvald J. C., Renaud P. E., Berge J., Cottier F., et al. (In press) From polar night to midnight sun: diel vertical migration, metabolism and biogeochemical role of zooplankton in a high Arctic fjord (Kongsfjorden, Svalbard). Limnology and Oceanography, doi:10.1002/lno.10519
Anderson, Philip; Berge, Jørgen; Granskog, Mats A; Divine, Dmitry V; Katlein, Christian; Itkin, Polona; Raphael, Ian; Johnsen, Geir; Vogedes, Daniel; Kopec, Tomasz; Zolich, Artur; Geoffroy, Maxime; Cottier, Finlo; De La Torre, Pedro R (2023): Upwelling and downwelling visible radiation measurements of the autonomous ice-tethered OptiCAL ‘gg’ buoy deployed during MOSAiC in the Monster Bay area.
Anderson, Philip; Berge, Jørgen; Granskog, Mats A; Divine, Dmitry V; Katlein, Christian; Itkin, Polona; Raphael, Ian; Johnsen, Geir; Vogedes, Daniel; Kopec, Tomasz; Zolich, Artur; Geoffroy, Maxime; Cottier, Finlo; De La Torre, Pedro R (2023): Upwelling and downwelling visible radiation measurements of the autonomous ice-tethered OptiCAL ‘ee’ buoy deployed during MOSAiC in the Sea Ice Ridge Observatory area.
De La Torre, Pedro R; Berge, Jørgen; Granskog, Mats A; Katlein, Christian; Divine, Dmitry V; Raphael, Ian; Geoffroy, Maxime; Vogedes, Daniel; Itkin, Polona; Daase, Malin; Zolich, Artur; Cottier, Finlo (2022): Data from downward looking Acoustic zooplankton and fish profiler (AZFP) deployed on drifting sea ice in the Arctic during MOSAiC expedition.
De La Torre, Pedro R; Berge, Jørgen; Granskog, Mats A; Katlein, Christian; Raphael, Ian; Itkin, Polona; Divine, Dmitry V; Rabe, Benjamin; Geoffroy, Maxime; Daase, Malin; Zolich, Artur; Cottier, Finlo; Vogedes, Daniel (2023): Data from upward looking Acoustic zooplankton and fish profiler (AZFP) deployed on drifting sea ice in the Arctic during MOSAiC expedition.
Granskog, Mats A; Berge, Jørgen; Cottier, Finlo; Divine, Dmitry V; Katlein, Christian; Itkin, Polona; Olsen, Lasse Mørk; Vogedes, Daniel; De La Torre, Pedro R (2021): Temperature and heating induced temperature difference measurements from the sea ice mass balance buoy SIMBA 2020T61
Granskog, Mats A; Berge, Jørgen; Cottier, Finlo; Divine, Dmitry V; Katlein, Christian; Itkin, Polona; Olsen, Lasse Mørk; Vogedes, Daniel; De La Torre, Pedro R (2021): Auxiliary data from the sea ice mass balance SIMBA 2020T61.
Granskog, Mats A; Berge, Jørgen; Cottier, Finlo; Divine, Dmitry V; Katlein, Christian; Itkin, Polona; Olsen, Lasse Mørk; Vogedes, Daniel; De La Torre, Pedro R (2021): Temperature measurements from the sea ice mass balance SIMBA 2020T61.
Granskog, Mats A; Berge, Jørgen; Cottier, Finlo; Divine, Dmitry V; Katlein, Christian; Itkin, Polona; Olsen, Lasse Mørk; Vogedes, Daniel; De La Torre, Pedro R (2021): Heating induced temperature difference measurements from the sea ice mass balance SIMBA 2020T61: 30 s after the heating cycle.
Granskog, Mats A; Berge, Jørgen; Cottier, Finlo; Divine, Dmitry V; Katlein, Christian; Itkin, Polona; Olsen, Lasse Mørk; Vogedes, Daniel; De La Torre, Pedro R (2021): Heating induced temperature difference measurements from the sea ice mass balance SIMBA 2020T61: 120 s after the heating cycle.
Hobbs, L., Banas, N., Cottier, F, Last, K., Berge, J. and Kwasniewski, S. Application of a life-history model to investigate inter-annual variation in the energetic trade-offs of Arctic copepods. Ocean Sciences Meeting 2018, Portland.
Maxime Geoffroy, Malin Daase, Jørgen Berge, Martin Graeve, Marine Cusa, Néstor Santana Hernández, Stig Falk-Petersen 2018. Mespoelagic layer in the European Arctic: seasonal migration and trophic interactions. Arctic Frontiers Conference 2018.
E. Kunisch, B.A. Bluhm, R. Gradinger, H. Hop, Ø. Varpe, J. Berge, M. Daase, I. A. Melnikov & M. Vihtakari: Pan-Arctic distribution of the sympagic amphipod Apherusa glacialis elucidates life-cycle characteristics. Poster presentation at Arctic Frontiers – Ecosystem Studies of Subarctic and Arctic Seas, 2017, Tromsø
Priou P, Kunisch E, Katlein C, Berge J, Gradinger J, Flores H, Geoffroy M. Vertical distribution of pelagic fish and zooplankton under the European Arctic pack ice. Arctic Change 2017, Canada. Poster Presentation. (PDF)
Jørgen Berge, Bodil Bluhm, Philip Anderson, Jonathan Cohen, Finlo Cottier, Malin Daase, Stig Falk-Petersen, Laura Hobbs, Erin Kunisch, Pedro De La Torre, Ingrid Ellingsen, Maxime Geoffroy, Bernard Hagan, Geir Johnsen, Kim Last, Martin Ludvigsen, Shane Rodwell, Janne Søreide, Asgeir J. Sørensen, Sturla Haltbakk, Daniel Vogedes, Artur Zolich 2017. Arctic Ocean ecosystems: applied technology, biological interactions and consequences in an era of abrupt climate change (Arctic ABC) . ESSAS conference in Tromsø 11-15 June 2017. Poster
Daase M, Berge J From the dark side: polar night research in Kongsfjorden. Svalbard Science Conference Oslo, Norway, 6-8 November 2017 (talk)
Daase M, Søreide JE, Berge J, Hop H, Wold A, Cottier F, Griffith C, Falk-Petersen S: Zooplankton time series in Svalbard: New insight into responses of Arctic and boreal Calanus species to ocean climate variability. Gordon Research Conference on Polar Marine Science, Ventura, USA, 26-31 March 2017 (poster)
Daase M, Søreide JE: Death in the dead of night: High non-consumptive winter mortality among Arctic zooplankton. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø, Norway, 25-27 January 2017 (talk)
Daase M, Kosobokova K, Søreide J, Hatlebakk M, Abyzova G: New insights into life history traits of Calanus spp. males in the Arctic. Arctic Frontiers Conference, Tromsø, Norway, 25-27 January 2017 (talk, presented by Kosobokova)
Berge J, Johnsen G: Life and light in the dead of night. Moscow Science Festival, Moscow State University 7 October 2017
Falk-Petersen S. The Climate change and the Arctic Calanus complex. Presented at: Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries. 16.10.17 Setaliste Ivana Mestrovica 63, 21000 Split, Croatia
Cohen, J.H., J. Berge., G. Johnsen, M. Moline (2017) Photic Ecology in the Epipelagic High Arctic Polar Night: A Deep Sea Analogue? MASTS Annual Meeting, Glasgow, UK (oral presentation)
Cohen, J.H., G. Johnsen, J. Berge, M.A. Moline, K.S. Last (2017) Light climate of the high Arctic Polar Night and its implications for biology. NERC Arctic Science Meeting, Oban, UK. (oral presentation)
Last, K.S. and J.H. Cohen (2017) Sink or swim: drivers of copepod migration behaviour. MASTS Annual Meeting, Glasgow, UK (poster)
Artur Zolich (2017). Ny-Ålesund light observatory experiment. Arctic Change 2017, Canada. Poster presentation.
Geoffroy, Maxime; Berge, Jørgen; Falk-Petersen, Stig; Johnsen, Geir; Santana Hernandez, Nestor; Cusa, Marine Lure Joana; Daase, Malin; Bluhm, Bodil; Graeve, Martin; Cottier, Finlo. (2017) Northward range expansion of boreal species into the Arctic: further evidences from the polar night (Oral). ArcticChange conference, Quebec City, Canada
Geoffroy, M., Berge, J., Majaneva, S., Johnsen, G., Cottier. F. (2017). First records of Periphylla periphylla in a high Arctic fjord: a newcomer or a returning visitor? (Oral). Gordon Research Seminar on Polar Marine Science, Ventura, United States
Geoffroy, M., Daase, M., Berge, J., Graeve, M., Cusa, M. Hernández, N. S., Falk-Petersen, S. (2017). Seasonal variations and ecological importance of mesopelagic sound scattering layers in the high Arctic (Oral). ESSAS Open Science Meeting, Tromsø, Norway
Geoffroy, M., Berge, J., Cottier, F., Darnis., Majaneva, S., Hernandez, N. S., Cusa, M. Hobbs , L., Cohen, J., Johnsen, G., Ludvigsen, M., De La Torre, P. (2017). Bioacoustics in the Arctic: New tools and new species. Marine Institute Seminar Series, St. John’s, Canada
Cottier, F. (2017). Gordon Research Conference and Gordon Research Seminar in Polar Marine Science. Ventura, California, “Traditional Time Series vs New Robotics”
Last KS, Hobbs L, Dumont E, Berge J, Brierly AS, Cottier F. Where the sun does not shine: moonlight drives ocean scale mass vertical migration during the Arctic winter (PDF). Time and Light Symposium, Vienna, 08.05.2016
Falk-Petersen S., Geoffroy M., Daase M., Santana Hernandez N., Berge J., Graeve M. (2017) Dense and plentiful: Is the mesopelagic sound scattering layer of energy-rich organisms an important component of the high Arctic ecosystem? The Arctic Science Summit Week, Czech Republic. Oral presentation.
Geoffroy M., Berge J., Majaneva S., Johnsen G. (2017) First records of the jellyfish Periphylla periphylla in a high Arctic fjord: A newcomer or a returning visitor? Gordon Research Seminar on Polar Marine Science, USA. Oral presentation
Geoffroy M., Cottier F., Berge J., Inall M.E. (2016) AUV-based acoustic observations of the distribution and patchiness of pelagic scattering layers during midnight sun. ICES/PICES 6th zooplankton production symposium, Norway. Poster presentation.
Jørgen Berge: Kong Neptun og hans nye, tause tjenerskap (Svalbardposten 03.05.2018)
Amorina Kingdon: Why scientists should do it in the dark ( 05.03.2018)
Ole Magne Rapp: Droner lodder havet (Klassekampen 17.01.2018)
Ole Magne Rapp: Lys skremmer bort fisken (Klassekampen 12.01.2018)
Ole Magne Rapp: Havets viktige ku (Klassekampen 11.01.2018)
Polar Night Exhibition on display in Moscow Science Festival 6-8 October 2017
Ole Magne Rapp: Undervannsdroner ser liv i polarnatten (Aftenposten Vitenskap 02/2017)
Njord Vegge: Interview in “the Atlantic”: Sea ice retreat could lead to rapid overfishing in the Arctic (The Atlantic 17.03.2017)
Erin Kunisch: Polar Night Expedition field blog (Online)
Jon Cohen: Artificial light matters (UDaily online news)
Jørgen Berge, Geir Johnsen: Kunnskapshull om livet i Arktis i mørketiden (Aftenposten Viten, 09.01.2017)
Jørgen Berge, Geir Johnsen: Om bambus, spøkelseskreps og et Arktis i endring (Svalbardposten, 13.01.2017)
Jørgen Berge, Geir Johnsen: Om bambus, spøkelseskreps og et Arktis i endring ( 13.01.2017)
Banebrytende forskning (Svalbardposten 13.01.2017, PDF)
Jørgen Berge, Geir Johnsen: Superkommunisten (Svalbardposten 20.01.2017, PDF)
Ny art i Ny-Ålesund (Svalbardposten 27.01.2017, PDF)
Janne Søreide, Tove M. Gabrielsen, Ragnheid Skogseth, Malin Daase, Bodil Bluhm: Kan by-bjørnene forvente seg is i van Mijenfjorden i år? (Svalbardposten 27.01.2017, PDF)
Njord Wegge, Maxime Geoffroy, Jørgen Berge: Conflicts or cooperation in Arctic Waters? (Sustainable security 25.01.2017)
Mørkets fyrste har slått seg ned på Svalbard (NRK Ekko 02.02.2017, radio stream)
Geoffroy, M., Berge, J., Cottier, F., Darnis. G., Hobbs , L., Cohen, J., Johnsen, G., Ludvigsen, M., De La Torre, P. (2016). Autonomous acoustic platforms to study the Arctic marine ecosystem. Research Open Day, UiT The Arctic University of Tromsø, Norway3