_Acoustics_ 455kHz_acoustic_raw Raw acoustic data column description Burst: Burst number Ping: Ping number Burst/Ping Date: Date of the profile Burst/Ping Time: Time of the profile Num_Chan: Number of channels (boards or frequencies) Burst Interval: The burst interval Ping Period: The Ping Period PingsPerBurst: The Pings acquired per burst Average Pings: 1 = this is an averaged ping, 0 = non averaged OutPut_Chan: Number of the channel 1,2,3,4 OutPut_Board: Number of the board 0,1,2,3 OutPut_Fequency: Frequency of the transducer StartIndex: Start of the range in sample number Num_bins: Number of bins Samples_Bin: Samples per bin Pulse_len: Pulse Length in microseconds Digrate: Digitization Rate in samples/second SoundSpeed: Speed of sound as entered in AzfpLink in m/s Range_start_m: Start of the Range in meters Range_stop_m: End of the Range in meters Range_resolution_m: Range resolution in meters TiltX: Tilt in X direction TiltY: Tilt in Y direction Bat: Voltage of the main battery pack Gain: Receiver gain setting: 0, 1, 2 or 3 Temp: Temperature Pressure: Pressure AD6: Analog channel Tx Battery N AD7: Analog channel 7 (unused The rest of the columns contain the digital values of the bins. acoustic_data_process.m Matlab script to process the acoustic data, produce actogram and weekly actogram. acousic_data.mat Matlab format of the acoustic data after being process on Echoview. the file contains 4 viariables: dateandtime: Contains the date and time of each ping for each depth layer. The timeline of the deployement was split in 20-minute cells, with one date and time for each cell. Depth: contains the average depth of each depth layer. The water column was split into 4-meter sections from 104m below the surface. mtime: Numerical value of the date and time for each ping in Matlab system. SV:Volume backscater value in dB for each cell of 4 m (y-axis) by 20 min (x-axis). _Swimming activtiy_ activtiy_data_processing.R R script to process the swimming activity data. This script is used to determine the periodicity within the swimming activtiy data. This script use 2 function written by the author. periodlomb: This function returns the results of the Lomb-scargle analysis for every individual of one experiment periodlombmar: This function does the same as periodlom but exclusively for the experiment ran in March due to the switch from winter to summer time in March. The script is also use to plot, a swimming activity actogram, a light actogram, and the variation of PNmax over time. The script enables running the Rayleigh test and plotting the result of the analysis. MyRunCtM005Jan19.txt and all file with a similar name: These files are the raw data from the locomotor monitor after summing the data by 30 min. The file are name MyRunCtM+monitor number +three first letter of month +year. there is 43 column in this file: Column 1: The ping number Column 2: Date (d MMM YY) Column 3: Time (hh:mm:ss) Column 4 to 9: unknown variable given by the instrument Column 10 : light (1= light detected/ 0=no light detected). Column 11-43: Number of beam break per 30 min. Each column represents one of the monitor chamber. monthly activty ramfjord centered.csv swimming activtiy data lam: monitor names followed by chamber number loc: localisation of the sampling station Month: month when the experiment was run folowed by the year. if several experiment were run for one month then the month is fully written followed by a number indicating which experiement of the month it was. year: Year when the experiment was run. species: Species of the individual identified with molecular tools. Only Calanus finamrchicus and Calanus glacialis could be identified; any other species appear as an empty cell. An empty cell can also indicate a problem during the analysis. Stage: Developmental stage of the individual. AM=adult male, AF= adult female, CI to CV= copepodite stage 1 to stage 5. activtiy: Status of inactivity. Reject= individual inactive more than 75% of the time, valid= individual inactive less than 75% of the time. rhythm: Periodicity of the swimming activtiy. Rhythmic= data present a rhythm, arrhythmic= data do not present a rhythm. alive: Living status of the individual at the end of the experiment. Y= alive at the end, n= dead at the end, empty cell= individual status not assessed because it got lost during manipulation. Time 1 to Time 48: For each 30 min interval, average beam break over 3 days. For exammple, Time 1 = average beam break of the first 30 min of a day ( from mid-night to 00:30) over 3 days. monthly light activtiy centered.csv Light status for each 30 min interval for each experiment. 0= light not detected, 1=light detected. Each column is one experiment.